\uD83D\uDDD3 Date
\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion
Today we continued work on FBC-317. Currently, in the Debt ontology, we have the notion of an ‘explicit contract event schedule’, which corresponds to an ACTUS array schedule, i.e., one where the dates are explicitly laid out but are not necessarily regular, and the notion of a more regular schedule of events, which is called ‘projected contract event schedule’. Note that after the events have occurred, these ‘should’ be the same.
Some of the details in the parametric schedules ontology should be moved to the Debt ontology - many kinds of schedules are not only regular but parametric. Then in that same ontology we need to add the various kinds of schedules - rate reset, interest calculation, etc. that are currently buried in the IR swaps ontology as being more general. Then a projected schedule for some contract may be composed from multiple schedules - rate resets, interest calculations, payment dates, and the like. Sorting this out may take several meetings, but would be a nice contribution and allow us to better map to the ACTUS parameters related to these concepts. Some diagrams may be useful – in a page dedicated to how to use these concepts in FIBO, and including the mapping to ACTUS.