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1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review -

5) Todays content discussion.




6) For next week.


20171128 FIBO FND FLT


Refer to MB .ppt slide 3 for news.  Cory shows the wiki Values Wiki page with the three concerns. Wants to keep the value and atomic value like it is. Wants to keep values in utilities.


ACTION: Cory will make a change on the Wiki. about utilities.  Need to resolve the third issue presented by Marcel.  Cory will respond to Marcel and propose a no change resolution.


EK Not a good idea to create a property with no range. Cory Value is an abstract class. EK Then the Range needs to be an RDF literal, or it will be classified as an object property. But, this is a data property. The Domain of hasValue is atomicValue. MB HAS MUCH MORE ABOUT THIS IN THE WIKI.

Cory <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="&fibo-fnd-utlx-val;hasValue">

<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">hasValue</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&fibo-fnd-utlx-val;AtomicValue"/>



MB There are OWL Technical issues that need to be resolved. Can they be resolved now?


ACTION: EK and CC will meet Separately to resolve. Need to do testing prior to resolving.


EK to MB has the CCM min 0 issue been worked out with No Magic. MB No!


M. Uschold Current definition of Product in FIBO: A commercially distributed good that is (1) tangible property, (2) the output or result of a fabrication, manufacturing, or production process, or (3) something that passes through a distribution channel before being consumed or used.


Max on slide 9 questions the meaning of the word products. MB explains relationship of products and services. Max thinks this is confusing. An Instrument should not be a Product.


EK There are variations that should be considered. Community Banks have many of these grey areas.


MB A product is anything that is not a service. A product can be bespoke or formally described and marketed. Need to figure out the semantics between off the shelf and others.


MB Slide 13 - EK corrects that there is no circularity.  JIRA 163 describes issues related to slides 13 and 14.


Slide 16 EK says boilerplate product should be off the shelf product. Max, No - should be standardized product. Max Instrument has to do with its characteristics. MB A product becomes a contract when someone buys it.


Action items

  • Elisa Kendall Cory Casanave EK and CC will meet Separately to resolve Values issue. Need to do testing prior to resolving.
  • Cory Casanave will make a change on the Wiki. about utilities.  Need to resolve the third issue presented by Marcel.  Cory will respond to Marcel and propose a no change resolution.


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