Mapping concepts from the OMG Commons Ontology Library v1.1
The Commons Ontology Library (Commons) v1.1 Specification was approved for formalization at the September 2023 OMG Technical Meeting. The specification and ontologies are available on the OMG site at and in GitHub, available to OMG members only. The domain independent concepts and properties have been implemented in the building blocks in the Commons ontology library, extended and improved on, as was the case for the Commons v1.0 specification. Use of the Commons Ontology Library is a more appropriate solution, as only the immediately relevant concepts are included in those ontologies.
The table below includes the mapping from what we have used in FIBO to the corresponding replacement for FIBO users to assist with transitioning their applications of FIBO to use the Commons v1.1 library instead.
Note that in the process of making these changes a few additional concepts and mainly properties were moved around within the FIBO ontologies and deprecated as well.
Table 1. Mapping FIBO Terms to Replacements in Commons v1.1
Ontology | Original Element | Original Element IRI | New Element | New Element IRI |
Agents | autonomous agent | fibo-fnd-aap-agt;AutonomousAgent | agent | cmns-pts;Agent |
Analytics | actual expression | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;actualExpression | describes actual expression | cmns-qtu;describesActualExpression |
| has applicable date period | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;hasApplicableDatePeriod | has applicable period | cmns-cxtdsg;hasApplicablePeriod |
| has argument | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;hasArgument | has argument | cmns-qtu;hasArgument |
| has expression | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;hasExpression | has expression | cmns-qtu;hasExpression |
| is value of | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;isValueOf | is value of | cmns-qtu;isValueOf |
| constant | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;Constant | constant | cmns-qtu;Constant |
| expression | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;Expression | expression | cmns-qtu;Expression |
| measure | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;Measure | measure | cmns-qtu;Measure |
| percentage | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;Percentage | percentage | cmns-qtu;Percentage |
| ratio | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;Ratio | ratio | cmns-qtu;Ratio |
| ratio value | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;RatioValue | ratio | cmns-qtu;Ratio |
| total | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;Total | total | cmns-qtu;Total |
| variable | fibo-fnd-utl-alx;Variable | variable | cmns-qtu;Variable |
Business Dates | holds during | fibo-fnd-dt-bd;holdsDuring | holds during | cmns-pts;holdsDuring |
Documents | has data source | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;hasDataSource | has data source | cmns-doc;hasDataSource |
| is about | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;isAbout | is about | cmns-doc;isAbout |
| records | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;records | records | cmns-doc;records |
| certificate | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;Certificate | certificate | cmns-doc;Certificate |
| document | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;Document | document | cmns-doc;Document |
| legal document | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;LegalDocument | legal document | cmns-doc;LegalDocument |
| notice | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;Notice | notice | cmns-doc;Notice |
| record | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;Record | record | cmns-doc;Record |
| reference document | fibo-fnd-arr-doc;ReferenceDocument | reference document | cmns-doc;ReferenceDocument |
Financial Dates | has recurrence start date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd;hasRecurrenceStartDate | has start date | cmns-dt;hasStartDate |
Roles | is played by | fibo-fnd-pty-rl;isPlayedBy | is played by | cmns-rlcmp;isPlayedBy |
| plays role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl;playsRole | plays role | cmns-rlcmp;playsRole |
| thing in role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl;ThingInRole | role | cmns-rlcmp;Role |
| agent in role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl;AgentInRole | agent role | cmns-pts;AgentRole |
Parties | acts in | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;actsIn | acts in | cmns-pts;actsIn |
| acts on | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;actsOn | acts on | cmns-pts;actsOn |
| directly affects | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;directlyAffects | directly affects | cmns-pts;directlyAffects |
| experiences | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;experiences | experiences | cmns-pts;experiences |
| experiences directly | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;experiencesDirectly | experiences directly | cmns-pts;experiencesDirectly |
| experiences with | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;experiencesWith | experiences with | cmns-pts;experiencesWith |
| has active party | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasActiveParty | has active party | cmns-pts;hasActiveParty |
| has actor | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasActor | has actor | cmns-pts;hasActor |
| has commencement date | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasCommencementDate | has start date | cmns-dt;hasStartDate |
| has party | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasParty | has party | cmns-pts;hasParty |
| has party in role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasPartyInRole | has party role | cmns-pts;hasPartyRole |
| has related party in role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasRelatedPartyInRole | has related party role | cmns-pts;hasRelatedPartyRole |
| has thing in role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasThingInRole | has role | cmns-rlcmp;hasRole |
| has undergoer | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;hasUndergoer | has undergoer | cmns-pts;hasUndergoer |
| is a party to | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;isAPartyTo | is a party to | cmns-pts;isAPartyTo |
| is affected by | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;isAffectedBy | is affected by | cmns-pts;isAffectedBy |
| is directly affected by | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;isDirectlyAffectedBy | is directly affected by | cmns-pts;isDirectlyAffectedBy |
| is experienced by | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;isExperiencedBy | is experienced by | cmns-pts;isExperiencedBy |
| plays active role in | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;playsActiveRoleIn | plays active role in | cmns-pts;playsActiveRoleIn |
| plays active role that affects | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;playsActiveRoleThatAffects | plays active role that affects | cmns-pts;playsActiveRoleThatAffects |
| plays active role that directly affects | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;playsActiveRoleThatDirectlyAffects | plays active role that directly affects | cmns-pts;playsActiveRoleThatDirectlyAffects |
| undergoes | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;undergoes | undergoes | cmns-pts;undergoes |
| actor | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;Actor | actor | cmns-pts;Actor |
| independent party | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;IndependentParty | party | cmns-pts;Party |
| party in role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;PartyInRole | party role | cmns-pts;PartyRole |
| situation | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;Situation | situation | cmns-pts;Situation |
| undergoer | fibo-fnd-pty-pty;Undergoer | undergoer | cmns-pts;Undergoer |
Quantities and Units | has dimension | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;hasDimension | has dimension | cmns-qtu;hasDimension |
| has exponent | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;hasExponent | has exponent | cmns-qtu;hasExponent |
| has factor | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;hasFactor | has factor | cmns-qtu;hasFactor |
| has measurement unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;hasMeasurementUnit | has measurement unit | cmns-qtu;hasMeasurementUnit |
| has numeric value | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;hasNumericValue | has numeric value | cmns-qtu;hasNumericValue |
| has quantity kind | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;hasQuantityKind | has quantity kind | cmns-qtu;hasQuantityKind |
| has quantity value | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;hasQuantityValue | has quantity value | cmns-qtu;hasQuantityValue |
| is derived from | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;isDerivedFrom | is derived from | cmns-qtu;isDerivedFrom |
| specializes | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;specializes | specializes | cmns-qtu;specializes |
| base quantity | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;BaseQuantity | base quantity kind | cmns-qtu;BaseQuantityKind |
| base unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;BaseUnit | base unit | cmns-qtu;BaseUnit |
| derived quantity | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;DerivedQuantity | derived quantity kind | cmns-qtu;DerivedQuantityKind |
| derived unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;DerivedUnit | derived unit | cmns-qtu;DerivedUnit |
| dimensionality | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;Dimensionality | quantity dimension | cmns-qtu;QuantityDimension |
| measurement unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;MeasurementUnit | measurement unit | cmns-qtu;MeasurementUnit |
| quantity | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;Quantity | scalar quantity | cmns-qtu;ScalarQuantity |
| quantity kind | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;QuantityKind | quantity kind | cmns-qtu;QuantityKind |
| quantity kind factor | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;QuantityKindFactor | quantity kind power factor | cmns-qtu;QuantityKindPowerFactor |
| quantity value | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;QuantityValue | scalar quantity value | cmns-qtu;ScalarQuantityValue |
| system of quantities | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;SystemOfQuantities | system of quantities | cmns-qtu;SystemOfQuantities |
| system of units | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;SystemOfUnit | system of units | cmns-qtu;SystemOfUnits |
| unit factor | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu;UnitFactor | unit power factor | cmns-qtu;UnitPowerFactor |
Relations | reference | fibo-fnd-rel-rel;Reference | reference | cmns-doc;Reference |
| has identity | fibo-fnd-rel-rel;hasIdentity | is played by | cmns-rlcmp;isPlayedBy |
| refers to | fibo-fnd-rel-rel;refersTo | refers to | cmns-doc;refersTo |