This is what will be shown for a Class in an ontology, in addition to the 1. Generic Content (applies to any type of Element)
Glossary/business user view
No additional content
Taxonomy view
Always shown
Immediate superclasses (excluding restrictions and other blank node class expressions which are covered by the generate business logic)
On request
Complete superclass hierarchy
Immediate subclasses
Complete subclass hierarchy
Structure view
Always shown
As for taxonomy
Properties for which this is the domain, including the following - taking into account any restrictions applying to the current class
- whether a candidate key (e.g. inverse functional, key)
- range
- inverse
- multiplicity (e.g. based on restrictions, functional properties)
On request
As for taxonomy
Properties for which this is the range, including the domain
Properties for which superclasses are the domain (inherited properties) including superclass name; also properties which have a minCardinality restriction
(Additional request) Properties which (implicitly) have owl:Thing as domain
Ontologist view
Always shown
As for structure
Properties commonly used for this class (for which superclasses are the domain with min cardinality of 0 (inherited properties))
Necessary restrictions, including full detail e.g. property and class (hyperlinked)
Necessary and sufficient restrictions
Disjoint classes
Equivalent classes/expressions
On request
As for structure
Primary label
Restrictions using this class (e.g. All Values from X)
Expressions using this class (e.g. Unions used as range of a property)
Ontologies dependent on this class (that reference it in some way e.g. through domains, ranges, expressions)
Find shortest/all paths from this class to another specified class