- Richard Beatch (Unlicensed)
- David Saul (Unlicensed)
- Gareth Isaac (Unlicensed)
- Ian Maung (Unlicensed)
- Mike Bennett
- Stephen Creek [X] (Unlicensed)
- Former user (Deleted)
No meeting July 4th 2015
July 27th is preliminary draft spec to OMG
Meeting Presentation – FIBO Securities Content Team Meeting 20150629.pptx
Action items
- July 27th is preliminary draft spec to OMGError rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
- MB to revisit his recommendations and suggest a better parent by default this would be moved to Legal document, which sounds fine.
- Need a list of definitive, high level services we can use to differentiate these kinds of entities and who regulates them. So e.g. if someone is regulated by a given regulation, then it means they are a bank holding company.