2016-01-11 Meeting notes

2016-01-11 Meeting notes




Elisa Kendall



1)  Use Case reminder.

2)  Where  we are on our road map. 

3)  Open Action Items

4 ) JIRA Issues Review


5)  Todays content discussion.





6)  For next week.



Presentation (Gareth Isaac) – 


20160111 FIBO-FBC FCT


Remaining Red FIBOs for SEC, still to do Ranking of open FBC issues, some are sorted, which will come out today, more to be done.  We may need to add to FBC to accommodate a range of Loan Identifiers.


David Saul:I believe that multiple regulators are looking at mortgage loan identifiers. I will check.


Reviewing open issues, Elisa to follow up with David Saul & co to create individuals for testing etc. with NoMagic to support tabular view on track.


Pete: make sure this is not proprietary Excel.   


integration items are underway and closure is expected prior to mid-Feb (BE deadline). Hand-off to Gareth to provide Deck which will be posted to WIKI. Driven by need to establish UK and EU examples.


Discussion: registrar as person or as position (right now it is both).  RE: slide 3 and UK bank vs Friendly Society etc. Dangerous granularity?  Right now, the definitions are fairly underspecified with the understanding that the concepts will be instantiated differently in different jurisdictions.  Approach: try to keep things high level with examples to illustrate key differentiators, but this is about keeping the general concepts sensible. Some examples, however, might be important enough to justify building into the "general" FIBO, (LIBOR examples come to mind). 


David Blaszkowsky: I think the xbrl approach works for this. Based on my experience running the US regulatory implementation of xbrl, I do think that in the FIBO case, there should be more effort to require the same model across jurisdictions where it exists, as opposed to starting from scratch, which is what has been done (as I recall). Also, extensibility can be used to accommodate/identify emerging/new models pending recognition. Just some thoughts.


David B to 

20160111 FIBO-FBC FCT


Remaining Red FIBOs for SEC, still to do Ranking of open FBC issues, some are sorted, which will come out today, more to be done.  We may need to add to FBC to accommodate a range of Loan Identifiers.


David Saul:I believe that multiple regulators are looking at mortgage loan identifiers. I will check.


Reviewing open issues, Elisa to follow up with David Saul & co to create individuals for testing etc. with NoMagic to support tabular view on track.


Pete: make sure this is not proprietary Excel.   


integration items are underway and closure is expected prior to mid-Feb (BE deadline). Hand-off to Gareth to provide Deck which will be posted to WIKI. Driven by need to establish UK and EU examples.


Discussion: registrar as person or as position (right now it is both).  RE: slide 3 and UK bank vs Friendly Society etc. Dangerous granularity?  Right now, the definitions are fairly underspecified with the understanding that the concepts will be instantiated differently in different jurisdictions.  Approach: try to keep things high level with examples to illustrate key differentiators, but this is about keeping the general concepts sensible. Some examples, however, might be important enough to justify building into the "general" FIBO, (LIBOR examples come to mind). 


David Blaszkowsky: I think the xbrl approach works for this. Based on my experience running the US regulatory implementation of xbrl, I do think that in the FIBO case, there should be more effort to require the same model across jurisdictions where it exists, as opposed to starting from scratch, which is what has been done (as I recall). Also, extensibility can be used to accommodate/identify emerging/new models pending recognition. Just some thoughts.


David B to raise an item in EDDC Jira around extension of LEI work.


Slides will be posted to WIKI, draft individuals to WIKI as well. Into GitHub once we have fully reviewed.


David Blaszkowsky: Exciting, well-done case. 


Jan 18, no meeting

Jan 25: Securities

Feb 1 next FBC


Slides will be posted to WIKI, draft individuals to WIKI as well. Into GitHub once we have fully reviewed.


David Blaszkowsky: Exciting, well-done case. 


Jan 18, no meeting

Jan 25: Securities

Feb 1 next FBC

Action items