The Personas that we recognize
- Vocabulary User — TODO
- Data Expert — A "data expert" is an individual with expertise in data management including but not limited to modelling, mining, analytics. In the context of the RDF toolkit user stories, a "data expert" is someone typically working at of the member institutions and making use of/looking to use FIBO. See also another type of experts from member institutions: Subject Matter Expert.
- Developer — The Persona "Developer" is someone who would use the published artifacts in a software program that he/she is developing.
- Ontologist — The Persona "Ontologist" is a user who just wants to use the FIBO ontologies for her/his own project, importing it and extending it in her or his own ontologies.
- Regulator — The Persona "Regulator" is someone who would ask common sense questions like "can you show the full trace of changes and decisions that lead to this change in the data"? Which includes changes in the ontologies.
- End User — The Persona "End User" is someone who would look at an application that has been based on the ontologies that are published by the RDF Toolkit.
- Council Member — "Council Member" refers to an organisation that is a member of the EDM Council or any member of such organisation. A list of EDM Council members is available at this URL: http://edmcouncil.org/councilmembers http://edmcouncil.org/councilmembers
- Subject Matter Expert — "A subject-matter expert (SME) or domain expert is a person who is an authority in a particular area or topic. The term domain expert is frequently used in expert systems software development, and there the term always refers to the domain other than the software domain.
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