FIBO Master Status and Actions
File list page for stuff to do with FIBO-Master ontologies alignment and status.
THere are 2 kinds of thing:
- Lists of ontologies and or modules by color / status etc. across FIBO-Master
- Remaining actions for addressing duplicate classes and properties e.g. where new classes may or may not replicate old ones and need review.
List of Alignment actions (Foundations)
as posted to FLT on 24 April 2017 (Meeting Notes page):
Modules, Module/Ontology Names and Colors: History
Latest (version 8):
Interpretation Note: the cell entries for Module, Ontology correspond to the namespace of each item but are expressed in Title Case rather than the CamelCase of the IRIs themselves.
Archive and history
OntologiesListingWithColors-FIBOMaster v3.docx
OntologiesListingWithColors-FIBOMaster v4.docx
OntologiesListingWithColors-FIBOMaster v5.docx
v5 was further updated (to v6) with the changes identified in Elisa's document, so that the CCM model is in synch with the OWL and round tripping can commence .
OntologiesListingWithColors-FIBOMaster v6.docx
OntologiesListingWithColors-FIBOMaster v7.docx
Module level status list:
Mike Atkin file, 20 April 2017
Earlier list as posted elsewhere
By ontology, NB No longer in synch with latest CCM and RDF/OWL - see above
(also does not include refinement of proposed colors for Foundations)