2018-01-16 Meeting notes

2018-01-16 Meeting notes




1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/FCP/issues/FCP-4?filter=allopenissues

5) Todays content discussion.




6) For next week.


DN Can a natural person execute a trade.  Jeff B - yes.  DA High networth individuals can have an LEI.  JB It is a question of authentication.  DN Just want to make sure we are telling the truth.  

DN where did relationship content come from.  EK They are Provisional.  Pete No, it is Informative.  DA some links might be broken if we remove these things.

DN How can I get just Production from GitHub. And end user just goes to spec and can down load production.zip in whatever dialect of OWL they want.  There is also a "Developers Guide" that any user should be able to be used.  Developer's Guide is on the Wiki.  DN This should be available from spec.  DWiz Yes, great idea.  

ACTION: DA and DWiz to put the Developers Guide on spec.

DN Not seeing some classes I am expecting.  EK They are built, but takes 18 hours to execute.  DA need fo figure this out.  

ACTION:  JG to reduce Jenkins execution time.  

ACTION: EK will get the Classes DN wants done this week.  DN Comfortable with EK doing this.  

DN Basis Swap confuses me.  Why do we have this under FloatFloatInterestRateSwap?  EK It was in there from the beginning.  JB A Basis Swap is anything with 2 different entities.  Move BasisSwap as a type of InterestRateSwap?  Max Where it goes is somewhat arbitrary.  DN It is a very broad abstraction.  Max Basis is two indexes related to the same commodity.  DN Is this a complication that will create more confusion?  Can we eliminate the verbiage for BasisSwap?  EK offers the answer that DN accepts.  Move BasisRateSwap and improve definition.  DN creates a JIRA issue in DER. EK and JB will work together.

DN What is a FloatinInterestRate?  What do we mean by this?  The definition says what it is.  Based oh an Index of something. EK adds this to her list.  Should be based on some formula?  DN adds DER-37 JIRA Issue.  

DN Why does InterestRate have currency?  DN has an old FIBO loaded.  Not latest.  EK looking at latest Pull Requests.  

EK will work with Jeff and Max on a formula for InterestRate.  DN If this is going to open up[ a whole can of worms, dont do it.  

EK FND 161 seems to have had a problem.  DA is seeing all of the content.  DA is using 2 Nov version.  DA has a SourceTree that is not in sync.  DA and DN need to get DN in sync.  

EK Sees this all of the time also.  EK is managing SourceTree and GitHub correctly.  SourceTree has a Fetch feature that we don't want.  DA will work with DN to get his process fixed later today.

DN to JN shows the ability to open up multiple levels of the Graph.  Need to talk about specific elements CFTC needs.  DA and DN working on FixedFloatInterestRateSwap to filter out all of the restrictions that are not superclasses of other restrictions.  Trying to eliminate some restrictions that are only explanatory and not structural.  Need to focus on those necessary to operationalize FIBO.  Slowly doing that.   For example where FF IRS has legs, keep it.  Will filter out many contractual elements.  JN agrees.  Using FIBO as the source for Meta Data and the DD is the goal.  Point to FIBO and be able to look at data across the different data bases and different sources.  Every excited to be able to do this.  Show the graph visually and the tolls that allow combining data bases is what CFTC wants.

DN We are developing a Graph of Named Individuals creating a template for an operational deployment of FIBO.  



Action items
