Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed), Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed), Michael - continue discussion of necessity of adding Identifier class Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. . Describe CreditScore
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
| | Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed) | 2016-03-24 Meeting notes |
Michael Consider how to broaden to CreditScoreModelScheme rather than CreditScoreModelType, Off-line withy Lynn, maybe look at arrangement in FIBO FND. Not that different from addressing scheme. MOVE TO ID RATIONALIZATION Result: I’m not sure in what sense a CreditScoreModelScheme is an AddressingScheme, which is itself a kind of IndexingScheme (in FND). An address is an index to a location. What is a credit model type an index to? Does this sound right? If so, is there a good reason to do this now? I propose to defer for now, and change it if required by HMDA.
| | Michael | 2016-03-24 Meeting notes |
- Michael - Add hasPayor and hasPayee to ObligationToPay
| | Michael | 2016-07-07 Meeting notes |
| | Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) | 2016-07-07 Meeting notes |
- Michael MU will replace hasGiver/hasGetter with hasObligor/hasObligee and will make recommendation to FND
| | Michael | 2016-07-07 Meeting notes |
- Michael On has payor/has Payee MU will rework this example this way and propose back to the group
| | Michael | 2016-07-07 Meeting notes |
- Michael On Obligation to Report MU to reflect on this, make suggestion to group SEE EMAIL STING ON THIS ONE
| | Michael | 2016-07-07 Meeting notes |
- Michael On hasCosts MU to reflect on this distionction between the cost disclosures which are more like an offer, and the obligations that spawn from the contract
| | Michael | 2016-07-07 Meeting notes |
| | | 2016-03-31 Meeting notes |
| | Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) | 2016-04-28 Meeting notes |
| | Michael | 2016-04-21 Meeting notes |
| | Michael | 2016-04-28 Meeting notes |
| | Michael | 2016-04-21 Meeting notes |
Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed), Jennifer Bond-Caswell (Unlicensed), Michael 1. Discuss with Elisa Kendall Transaction concept in FBC; 2. Confer with FND re Account intention and 3. Invite FND member to attend a Loan session to discuss higher level concepts and connections to upper ontologies 4. Load additional ontologies for Contract, Account, and Transaction middleware
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
5. Review Legal concept in FND and bring back
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
6. Discuss inheritance of CreditInquiry, Occurance (location?) (FND),
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
| | Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) | 2016-03-31 Meeting notes |
| | Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) | 2016-03-24 Meeting notes |
| | Michael | 2016-03-17 Meeting notes |
| | Michael | 2016-03-17 Meeting notes |
| | Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) | 2016-03-17 Meeting notes |
| | Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) | 2016-03-17 Meeting notes |
| | Lynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) | 2016-03-17 Meeting notes |