2019-02-27 Meeting notes
Michael Atkin
Victoria Starr, Fannie Mae
1) Review and adjustment to generic model
11:10 AM: Ratings ontology is designed to FND
11:12 AM: Rating statement = some assertion made by the rating agency
11:13 AM: Three actions can occur (rating initiated, rating withdrawn, rating adjusted)
11:15 AM: FND Wiki on Ratings: https://wiki.edmcouncil.org/display/FND/2019-02-26+Meeting+notes
11:18 AM: Relationship between rating performer and rating statement - assessment is not the inverse of attestation (publisher = agency).
11:25 AM: Model is missing the relationship between performer and agency (CC to upload the
11:29 AM: Rating scale (agencies provide an assessment (qualitative) - so even the same score from analyst (opinion) can carry different weight/value to the market. The market may value the opinion of one analyst over another. Cory maintain that this should not part of the ontology
11:33 AM: CC question - is there anything that seeks to normalize ratings between scales
11:35 AM: For next meeting - please review hte definitions for the properties and classes (to complete the generic model) - they are posted on the Wiki
11:37 AM: After generic model - move to specific concepts associated with the ratings of companies
11:39 AM: MB to evaluate "formal statement" and "date" ontology as the baseline for next steps
11:45 AM: Anything that is currently in informative (and needed for this ontology) needs to be "regularized" into production FIBO - i.e. formal statement (PR suggests removing formal statement / CC disagrees)
11:47 AM: Cancel next week’s ratings and reconvene with the industry stakeholders on the 13th
11:48 AM: Address the issue of reconciliation of classes and properties by the FIBO insiders during the FND meeting on the 12th
- Gap analysis of new classes and properties that are needed to complete the generic model
- Ratings for ENTITIES are the next subject for discussion after the generic model
Action items
- Working Meeting for March 6 has been cancelled (we will reconvene on March 13th)
- Review classes, properties and definitions for generic model (see FND notes https://wiki.edmcouncil.org/display/FND/2019-02-26+Meeting+notes)
- Identify any classes, properties that are currently in “informative” that are needed for the generic model