Baseline VOM Model Files for BE FTF 2

Baseline VOM Model Files for BE FTF 2

The following four VOM MagicDraw model archives need to be unzipped into the VOM Library, in the folder named ../VOM/ontologies/http/www.omg.org/spec/EDMC-FIBO/, named FND, BE, FBC, and IND accordingly:


  1.  FIBO FND 1.0 Baseline VOM/MagicDraw model files – VOMMD-Baseline1.0-FND.zip
  2.  FIBO BE FTF 1 Baseline VOM/MagicDraw model files – VOMMD-BaselineFTF1-BE.zip
  3.  FIBO FBC RFC Baseline VOM/MagicDraw model files – VOMMD-BaselineRFC-FBC.zip
  4.  FIBO IND FTF 1 Baseline VOM/MagicDraw model files – VOMMD-BaselineFTF1-IND.zip


Additionally, the following VOM MagicDraw model archive needs to be unzipped into ..VOM/ontologies/http/www.omg.org/spec/, named LCC, to provide the corresponding Languages, Countries, and Codes Baseline specification:

FIBO LCC RFC Baseline VOM/MagicDraw model files – VOMMD-BaselineRFC-LCC.zip