<< I clicked Save, not Save and Notify, so I did not expect this to get published where everyone gets an email. How do I save lots of interim drafts w/o spamming everyone?>>
This not identifies a number of concepts that are needed for the loans ontology, but that are not loan-specific. I recommend that they be added somewhere else in FIBO. For example, we need a property that points to a contract that the current contract was based on in some way. E.g. for an assumed mortgage.
- Where should it go: in the contracts ontology
- Suggested name: "originalContract"
- Temporary name in the loans ontology: loans:fibo-ctr-mfu-originalContract
The URI is prefixes with where I suggest it belongs, along with my initials "mfu" so they can quickly be identified. Suggested process for each:
- agree on the URI and definition for the concept
- agree on what ontology it belongs in
- add the concept to that new ontology under the accepted change management policies
- rename the concept in the loans ontology to be the new URI.
fibo-ctr-mfu-originalContract: Points to a contract that the current contract was based on in some way. E.g. for an assumed mortgage
fibo-alx-mfu-Measurement: The act of taking a measurement. Some measurement procedure is used to measure some aspect of something giving a result typicalliy expressed in some units . E.g. a valuation measuring the value of an asset expressedin USD
fibo-fbc-mfu-Settlement: The event of measuring the value of something, e.g. a house, or a bond. The result is in some currency.
Not Sure which ontology:
<< in process, unfinished >>