FIBO 2015 Accomplishments

FIBO 2015 Accomplishments


Added FIBO-Loans FCT


Staged FIBO Debts FCT to begin in 2016


Derivatives PoC  phase one completed with State Street Bank and Cambridge Semantics and Phase two started


FIBO-FBC adopted by OMG AB unanimously and FTF chartered

FIBO-LCC enters the OMG Request for Comment process unanimously

FIBO-FND formally published as the first FIBO specification


Set up EDMC GitHub to house all FIBO repos.  There are currently exactly 99 confirmed members and others who have not confirmed.  My guess at the time was maybe 25 by the end of the year:



RDF Serializer, to be used in a git commit-hook to force automatic correct rewrite of every OWL ontology

fibo-infra PRIVATE

Infrastructural scripts, settings, documentation etc


Primary Repository for FIBO inputs, work in progress, and output.


Languages, Countries and Codes

fibo-infra-cfg PRIVATE

Configuration files used in fibo-infra


forked from schemaorg/schemaorg

Schema.org - schemas and (appengine) software

fibo-decisions PRIVATE

Mainly a wiki for decisions made during FTF and FLT meetings.

fibo-archive PRIVATE

Holding place for things that won't change, for historical interest.


AWS established to support all FIBO ongoing work:


            FIBO JIRA projects and Wiki spaces for each FCT, the FLT, the FPT, the FVT and PoCs on going and promised.  Continue to add several people each week as Team members.


            Jenkins to automate FIBO testing with FIBO GitHub repos.


Organized and Lead FIBO Tracks at OMG Reston Meeting, Dataversity EDW DC and Dataversity SemTec San Jose.


Conducted average of one FIBO Show and Tell each week.


Developing FIBO tool kit for automation of FIBO configuration management and automated testing.  RDF Serializer ready to go.


Initiated FIBO-V development based on SKOS.   Initial testing positive.  This will cause FIBO to be able to be used as the core vocabulary for every financial institution.


Initiated FIBO.Schema.org development including a W3C Community with 19 members within 48 hours of start up.   This will cause FIBO to the focus of all financial data discoverable on the WWW.


Published 3 FIBO BTDM updates. 


Established relations with FIBO vendors including Adaptive, Ontotext, Cambridge Semantics, Top Quadrant, Thematics, Complexible and others.

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