

The RDF Toolkit does not do any "hosting", it just generates artifacts that can be hosted (but not necessarily have to). The setup that the EDM Council will have for the FIBO ontologies would be that a Jenkins job (running on https://jenkins.edmcouncil.org) will run the RDF Toolkit build command whenever a change is pushed into the FIBO git repository (https://github.com/edmcouncil/fibo). This will result in a bunch of files or "Artifacts" that are generated from the "authoritative source" i.e. the OWL files in that git repo. Those files will then be copied to the host, which in this case would be https://spec.edmcouncil.org/fibo/<some artifact>.

For each Product Family we would have a base URL as follows:

FIBOhttps://spec.edmcouncil.org/fiboAll content with URLs that start with https://spec.edmcouncil.org/fibo will be generated by the RDF Toolkit
DCAMhttps://spec.edmcouncil.org/dcamThis will for now just be a redirect to the DCAM home page: http://www.edmcouncil.org/dcam
RDFKIThttps://spec.edmcouncil.org/rdfkitThis is about the Artifact Ontology that is published here.
COMMANDhttps://spec.edmcouncil.org/commandThis is about the Command Ontology that is published here.