External Presentations: Loans

External Presentations: Loans

FIBO Days at Enterprise Data World

Date: April 19, 2016

TitleData Gizmo's in the Loans Industry: MISMO and FIBO

AuthorsLynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed) & Michael 

VenueFIBO Days at EDW This link gives full details of 2-day event including program.

Abstract:  FIBO-Loans is a semantically rigorous format designed to unambiguously express information about loans. This is a case study of how to create and use an ontology in a specific sub-discipline in finance that builds on the general purpose finance concepts in the core FIBO modules. We also consider the important question of why. There is already, MISMO, an industry standard for transmitting mortgage data in XML. We compare the two standards, arguing that both are important and need to co-exist.

We describe the process of building the ontology, and getting it ready for application. We keep the level of abstraction low enough to ensure that the ontology is directly usable as a data model. The ontologist bridges the gap between the loan experts and the existing FIBO concepts. Finally, we describe lessons learned and preliminary experiences in using FIBO-Loans to represent data.

  • Scope defining use cases: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and schema.org
  • Overview of MISMO, an existing standard for mortgages.
  • Examples showing how to apply the FIBO loans ontology, ready to use as a data model
  • What does the FIBO-Loans ontology offer compared to MISMO. What are their roles and how can they co-exist?
  • A number of changes to existing FIBO were recommended, thus firming up the stable core that is essential to making fast incremental progress.
  • The future looks bright for additional FIBO modules coming on line in specific sub-disciplines of finance.

Slides: tbd

Ontolog Summit: Semantic Integration in Finance

Date: March 24, 2016

Title: Referencing the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act in Building a Loans Ontology

AuthorsLynn Calahan [X] (Unlicensed)Michael 

VenueOntolog Summit: Semantic Integration in Finance This link gives full details of sesssion including chat log, titles, abstracts and links to other talks.

Abstract This presentation describes the effort to represent in the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) Loans ontology the newly revised Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) rule recently promulgated by the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We will review how we use HMDA as a key use case to drive out requirements for FIBO Loans for the purpose of interoperability among loan processing applications, systems and databases. We explain our approach, starting from consuming and interpreting the Rule, relation to other standards, and through the creation of ontology concepts in OWL.

Slides(pdf) (pptx)

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