Important Meetings

Important Meetings

In addition to regular meetings, the following table tracks important upcoming meetings (ordered by date - past meetings in the table below and notes optionally captured in sub-pages). All IDMP-O project team members can add events with (potential) IMDP-O presentations

DateEventLocationProject Representatives / OrganizersComment


Community of InterestonlineSheila, Melih, Heiner


BioIT World ExportBostonSheila, Becky, Vada?tbd


IDMP-O F2F WorkshopLondon


Pistoia Alliance ConferenceLondon


DIA GlobalSan DiegoSridevi, HeinerWorkshop on data standards


GPRASBrusselsHeiner, Melihtbd

Past Meetings

DateEventLocationProject RepresentativesComment


IDMP-O EAB MeetingonlineSheila, Melih, Heiner


HL7 FHIR ConnectathonAthensRafail?tbd


IDMP-O Phase 3 KickoffonlineMelih
November 2023IDMP-O: Community of InterestonlineGerhard, Sheila, Heiner, Jean-Gonzague
Fall 2023ISO meetingTBCJean-Gonzague, Sheila


PA Annual ConferenceBostonGerhard, Sheila, Heiner


IDMP-O F2F MeetingBostontbd
Mid NovemberISO meetingArlingtonRaphael, ?
Aug/Sep 2023ICBO 2023 Call For Submissions
Elisasubmission is 31st of May
Mid OctoberGerman Interoperability ForumBerlinRafailInvitation after presentation at HL7 EUROVULCAN
End of OctoberIDMP-O EAB MeetingonlineSheila, Gerhardtbd


GPRAS (Informa) conferenceBrusselsMelih, Cedric, Heiner, Quentin D.to be confirmed, Global Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Summit (informaconnect.com),


IDMP-O EAB MeetingonlineSheila, Gerhard


IDMP-O F2F meetingAachen, onlineKaren, Heiner
Early Sept 2023IDMP-O: Community of InterestonlineGerhard, Sheila, Heiner, Jean-Gonzague


CTADHL Transatlantic WorkshopDelftVada, Jean-Gonzague, Heinertbc


IDMP-O: Community of InterestonlineGerhard, Sheila, Heiner, Max, KarstenRegistration through https://www.pistoiaalliance.org/events/


DIA 2023 Global Annual MeetingBostonHeiner, Vada

Early JuneIDMP-O EAB MeetingonlineSheila, Gerhardtbd

15th or 16th of June - tbc

HL7 Germany Interoperability ForumCologneRafailInvitation after presentation at HL7 EUROVULCAN


Contech Pharma conferenceonlineSheila
End of May 2023G-SRS meetingIcelandJean-Gonzagueto be confirmed


IDMP-O: Community of InterestonlineGerhard, Heiner, Jean-GonzagueDemo presentation with WHO-UMC by Malin Fladvad

IDMP-O F2F Project WorkshopLondonGerhard, Heiner


PA Annual ConferenceLondonGerhard, Heiner


IDMP-O EAB MeeetingonlineSheila, Gerhard


HL7 EUROVULCAN connectathon/conferenceParisRafail


IDMP-O Steering Team MeetingonlineGerhard, Sheila, Rafail, Heiner


IDMP-O: Community of InterestonlineGerhard, Sheila, Heiner, Anthony, Elisa, Pawel, Rafail


CTADHL Transatlantic WorkshopWashingtonVada, Sheila, Jean-Gonzague, Heiner


DIA RSIDM ForumWashingtonSheila, Rafail, HeinerRegulatory Submissions, Information, and Document Management Forum


IDMP-O: EAB MeetingonlineSheila, Gerhard


IDMP-O: Community of InterestonlineGerhard, Sheila, Heiner, Jean-Gonzague
mid January 2023ISO ConferenceJapanSheila, Jean-Gonzague, Quentin G., Raphael


IDMP-O: EABonlineGerhard, Sheila
07.12.2022Virtual CTADHL Transatlantic WorkshoponlineSheila, Jean-Gonzague


IDMP-O: SteerCoonlineGerhard, Sheila


PA Annual ConferenceBostonGerhard, Jean-Gonzague, Quentin G., Heiner, Gang

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