IDMP Ontology Releases

IDMP Ontology Releases


Quickstart: take the latest IDMP Ontology version as a single merged file from here.

  1. IDMP Production Quickstart: This contains the full IDMP Ontology
  2. IDMP Development Quickstart: This contains the full IDMP Ontology + specifying examples that help you understand how the ontology is used.

Access to the ontology and the IDMP-O aligned public data is provided with the following links.

Ontology Sourceshttps://github.com/edmcouncil/idmpThe GitHub repository contains the sources of the IDMP Ontology and all history of its development.
Published Ontologyhttps://spec.edmcouncil.org/idmp/ontology

The IDMP Viewer and the resolution services provide an easy access to the IDMP Ontology.

The download page is https://spec.edmcouncil.org/idmp/page/owl

IDMP Knowledge Graphhttps://pistoiaalliance.accurids.comThe ACCURIDS instance provides public data knowledge graphs that are aligend to the IDMP Ontology.

Ontology Versioning Approach

The IDMP Ontology is a set of many different ontology modules. The IDMP Ontology release version is a tag of three numbers (e.g., 0.2.0), labelling the version of the entire collection of different modules together. The three numbers of the version denote (major.minor.fix) changes and are used as follows. As the ontology is continuously improved, we assign new version numbers only in defined intervals (currently quarterly) or after important changes.

For now, 'breaking changes' are defined as changes in documented foundational modelling patterns that require an update of SPARQL queries for competency questions.

  • From version 1, any breaking change leads to increment of the major version number
  • Until the end of 2023 the major version is 0 to indicate that breaking changes can still occur without incrementing the major
  • At the end of 2023 it is planned to release IDMP-O version 1. After that breaking changes will lead to an increase of the major version
  • Any extension of the ontology with new concepts, relationships or attributes leads to an increase of the minor version number.
  • The term "minor" is a standard term for this versioning approach. It can include significant backward-compatible extensions, e.g., hundreds of new concepts.
  • Any issue correction of the ontology (e.g., fixing a typo in a definition or label) or addition of missing links

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