Labelled content
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UC1-CQ3: What are the products that contain substances with common active moiety <active moiety x>? > Untitled Diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC1-CQ7: Which manufactured items contain substance <x> as an ingredient of type "active"? - APPROVED > CQ7 (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC2-CQ2.1: Which Marketing Authorization Number(s) does a sellable article (Material in ERP) have? > uc2 cq2.1 query diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC2-CQ1b: In which Stock Keeping Units is substance <$Substance> used? > uc2 cq1b query diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC2-CQ1a: In which products (as active, excipient, packaging) is substance <$TargetSubstance> found? - APPROVED > uc2 cq1a query diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)