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UC2-CQ1.2: In which production/manufacturing steps is substance <S> used? - APPROVED > uc2 cq1.2 query diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC2-CQ1: In which manufactured item is substance <$Substance> used? - APPROVED > uc2 cq1 qury diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC1-CQ9: What is the molecular structure of <$SUBSTANCE>? > uc1 cq9 query diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC1-CQ8: Which investigational medicinal products are related to this manufactured item? > CQ8 (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC1-CQ3.1: What is the basis of strength for <substance x> in <product y>? > CQ3.1 (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)
UC1-CQ1: Which substances have the common active moiety <active moiety x>? > Untitled Diagram (Pistoia Alliance IDMP Ontology)