2015-05-07 Meeting notes

2015-05-07 Meeting notes




Dennis Wisnosky



Discussion items

20150507 FIBO FCT Loans


Elisa presents relevant FBC work to Loans. Anticipate 13 or 14 common concepts. Elisa's slide 3 shows reference to where this content will be found.


There are also additions to FIBO-FND that will be necessary show on slide 4. OMG does not allow an RTF to add to content. This will require an indirect approach to get these concepts into FIBO.


Elisa will be updating some of her early work in country and currency ontologies for SEC and Loans. These will be included in the OMG submission.


Members of the Loans Team are encouraged to become part of the SEC Team. Most FBC Ontos are already in Pink GitHub. Council members have access and are asked to participate.


KYC and Counter Party Identification are 2 Use Cases being worked.


Slide 6 shows current status. Working to identify gaps and asking for test data and more use cases from all as homework.


On slide 7, Amber colored boxes show concepts from other FIBOs. Classes are inherited from those ontos into FBC. Slide 9 shows corresponding Protege Model with annotations.


Slide 10 refines the definition of security with restrictions. Annotations on slide 11 are important to understand the model and the sources of definitions.


Definition of Issuer on slide 12 is quite complete and complex. But, Financial Intermediaries on slide 14 is not. This needs help from the Loans Team and help is being begged.


There are representatives from many banks and other lenders participating as well as holding companies, brokers, dealers. Definitions are included on the Protege model in slide 15. Definitions are from Barron’s primarily.


Elisa is looking for missing Intermediaries to be identified by Loans such as warehouse venders.


Inheritance from other models is a giant benefit that the onto approach gives to us. The model includes detailed definitions of Regulators to the level of Examiners with relations and definitions in slides 20 and 21.


Registration authorities include organizations such as SWIFT in banking and there are some that FIBO will use outside of banking such as the Library of Congress.


Some of the Patterns developed by FBC and SEC could be used by Loans.


Barron’s provides the definition of Registrars. Registrar is a person. The person may delegate responsibility to a machine. This part of the model needs more fleshing out and there is another ask for help. There is scaffolding for this purpose in the existing model.


Products and Services are provided to clients and/or customers in general. For banking purposes on slide 29, some of these relationships are defined by Accounts and Account Holders. There are detailed models for both.


The intent is to provide sufficient detail such as in Payments and Schedules that can be extended in both SEC and Loans. Then, if it is found that SEC and Loans extend FBC concepts in the same way, this can be added into FBC for use by both rather than duplicating.


Slide 34 shows content for which review by Loans is critical - this is Payment Schedules.


Side 35 is Homework which points to the draft ontos in GitHub. Need Use Cases and relationships between institutions and cash flows and other complexities that are currently not in SEC. Please plan to review the draft and provide feed back from real bankers.


A list of high level services and who regulates them is critical. Elisa provides on slide 36, an example of individuals for Legal Entities that is public information and Functional Entities on slide 37. This shows legal info about the institution and who are the regulators, etc.


Elisa shows how to find all of the FBC and SEC content. Elisa says “please help” on this call at least 100 times.20150507 FIBO FCT Loans.docx

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