2016-04-07 Meeting notes

2016-04-07 Meeting notes






FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Agenda_040716.doc

1)  Use Case reminder.

2)  Where  we are on our road map. 

3)  Open Action Items

4 ) JIRA Issues Review


5)  Todays content discussion.



            Spreadsheet      LoansAnnotations-Integrated-2016-03-017.xlsx

            Protégé             loanCore-2016-04-6.rdf

6)  For next week.


Reviewed LoansAnnotations file terms and definitions.


FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Minutes_040716.doc


ChatLog DW FIBO Reoccurring Meeting 2016_04_07 17_02.rtf


Working group will not build out a Property structure at this time. Will address this detail in a future use case.

Action item(s)

  1. Relocate PreApproval document to Contract
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    concept to form a commitment concept. (MOVE PreApprovalContract from LoanApplicationDocument to be a subclass of Contract. PreApproval commitment letter is a contract.)
  2. Add annotation to PropertyInspection Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  1. Review and create pre-approval documents. Split concept between general and HMDA Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. .
  2. Review processes for application and pre-approval and create inherited class that is more general.
  3. Create RequestForPreapproval and PreapprovalAmount.
  4. Review and refine PropertyAppraisal Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. .