2016-04-28 Meeting notes

2016-04-28 Meeting notes






FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Agenda_042816.doc

1)  Use Case reminder.

2)  Where  we are on our road map. 

3)  Open Action Items

4 ) JIRA Issues Review


5)  Todays content discussion.


            UML   loans-2016-04-19.pdf

            Spreadsheet   LoansAnnotations-FreshCopy- Integrated_review04282016.xlsx

            Protégé         loanCore-2016-04-19.rdf

6)  For next week.


Continued review of LoanAnnotations file HMDA terms, definitions, and OWL relationships.

 FIBO Loans FCT Meeting Minutes_042816.doc

LoansAnnotations-FreshCopy- Integrated_review04282016_team update.xlsx

ChatLog DW FIBO Reoccurring Meeting 2016_04_28 17_06.rtf


 Remove ConformingLoan and ConventionalLoan as classes

Action items

  • Michael: Remove ConformingLoanContract and ConventionalLoanContract as classes

    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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