2015-04-24 Meeting notes
- Gareth Isaac (Unlicensed)
- Anthony Coates
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
Anthony Coates Bobbin Teegarden David Blaszkowsky Dennis Pierson DWiz HTML5 Viewer User ian maung Jeff Braswell Jeremy wilk Joanne Luciano john Gemski john Gemski Maxwell Gillmore Mike Bennett Wobbe, Gregor
FIBO-FND FCT 2015-04-24
Pls type questions and comments into the chat window.
Goal of this FCT is to support all other FCTs as other Domains are built out and to incorporate what is learned by other FCTs into FND. Current focus is Units and Measures.
Question: Gareth Isaac (to All): Are there tests in place to determine if all Metadata is supplied (as expected)? Yes, Jenkins can launch these jobs.
Joanne Luciano (to All): We've used "reference ontology" and "application ontology" as the two types of ontologies. Would you say that Conceptual ontology is sameAS Reference ontology and Application ontology sameAS Operational ontology? Ian agrees with this as does MB
Anthony Coates: I wouldn't use 'reference ontology' for the conceptual ontology, because the operational ontology is more of a 'reference ontology', in the sense of a reference data model, i.e. one that is 80% of what you need but needs some customization for specific use.
Jeff Braswell points out an inconsistency in the use case slide. Also, it would seem that a definition of risk management and regulatory requirements would in fact be shared, or at least have some common aspects, between both public regulators and private sector compliance officers and risk managers. MB will consider.
Gareth Isaac: Is there a process for the FCT teams to summit the request/requirements into the Foundation team? The FIBO Leadership Team is the chairs of each FCT and a few others. It is the job of the FLT to decide which team has responsibility for what. An example is the creation of the Financial Business and Commerce Onto that the FLT decided to build from common concepts in BE, SEC and Loans. JIRA is used to post issues WRT any particular content team. JIRA is open to all to get his/her voices heard. JIRA uses the word "issues" to also include requirements on other teams, bugs, suggestions, etc.
Gareth Isaac: Can the rationale to use or usage of "Arrangement", is that appropriate for this discussion at this time? Can we create some written use cases that would "trace" or link back to these concepts so the usage is understood? Also how does "Currency" fit with "Financial Instrument" construct. I imagine there will be some overlap
Action: DWiz will add a agenda item for the FCT standard meetings that requires a particular FCT to consider if there is some impact from the work of any other FCT.