2016-10-11 Meeting notes

2016-10-11 Meeting notes







1)  Use Case reminder.


2)  Where  we are on our road map. 


3)  Open Action Items


4 ) JIRA Issues Review



5)  Todays content discussion.







6)  For next week.



20161011 FIBO-FND FCT


FIBO-DEBT in good shape relative to FND.


MB and MU to meet in London Oct 12th.


MB very close to having 100% consistent OWL. This will be a continuous process as FIBO evolves.


Will need to make a decision as to what if anything goes into OMG for December meeting. Decision - focus on current FIBO to build consistent OWL and synchronize between GitHub, CCM and Collaborator.


Rob: People want to help, but not sure what to do. MB will circulate a word document that contains diagrams. Rob: We need more focus.


Mike Bennett: https://wiki.edmcouncil.org/display/FND/Reference+Materials


Elisa has 160111. She will post to the wiki.



MB to Elisa: Asking to create a wiki page and link to FCT Requirements - at source. This is where FND FCT looks for what to do. Copy what Loans has done. There is a link there now.


MB has moved away from Anti-patterns work into adding what was not there in the first place.  Elisa asks if the Anti-pattern work is in the wiki. MB will put this in FND wiki.


MB has created a map of where what is re FIBO-V.


Slide 15: Roadmap / Overall workload.


Slide 17: Review of past actions in JIRA.


FND-58 will be closed when MB delivers description of what he has done and loads it into the wiki.


MB: Next big job is Contract Terms having to do with a commitment.


Max: Part of the problem is the general nature of term.  Need to drill down on term.


Homework is slide 41.


Max: Please don't be US centric.  Specifics are for operational ontologies


Action items

  • Mike Bennett  focus on current FIBO to build consistent OWL and synchronize between GitHub, CCM and Collaborator.
  • Mike Bennett  FND-58 will be closed when MB delivers description of what he has done and loads it into the wiki
  • Mike Bennett Drop term FIBO Red.  This is now FIBO-Full