2016-06-10 Meeting notes
1) Use Case reminder.
2) Where we are on our road map.
3) Open Action Items
4 ) JIRA Issues Review
5) Todays content discussion.
6) For next week.
Slides are available at
This week we reviewed revisions made since the last meeting towards a common representation of a generic economic indicator. Some of those changes include (1) elimination of the distinction between target and survey population, (2) use of the term "statistical" program" rather than survey, given that today a given program may consist of some number of surveys and analyses of information available from other agencies as well as more generally on the web from trusted sources, and (3) modification of the definition of statistical population such that its parent class is "statistical universe", with restrictions on statistical population for time and geopolitical entity.
We also discussed the BLS definition for "civilian" (see last week's notes, 2016-06-03 Meeting notes) and asked Lucy for the equivalent definition for StatisticsCanada, as well as for a definition for "noninstitutional". The current BLS definition for "civilian noninstitutional population" is as follows:
Civilian noninstitutional population. Included are persons 16 years of age and older residing in the 50 states and the District of Columbia who do not live in institutions (for example, correctional facilities, long-term care hospitals, and nursing homes) and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces.
Also from BLS: "For a more detailed explanation, it’s important to understand that in the survey, all living quarters are classified as either housing units or group quarters. Group quarters can either be institutional or noninstitutional. Institutional group quarters (like prisons and nursing homes) are facilities that house those who are primarily ineligible, unable, or unlikely to participate in the labor force while residents. Noninstitutional group quarters (like dormitories, shelters, and group homes) are facilities that house those who are primarily eligible, able, or likely to participate in the labor force while residents. For additional detail on how institutional group quarters are defined, see the discussion beginning on page 86 of http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/doc/gqsf.pdf. Following the discussion on institutional group quarters, there is detail about noninstitutional group quarters."
In the context of a general approach to modeling economic indicators, we also discussed various facets that might be considered in "slicing and dicing" the population for the study, including by region and industry (Canada, the US, and Mexico use NAICS codes for industry sector classification, internationally it's ISIC). An ontology that provides the NAICS codes, and an ontology that provides the ISIC codes, with a mapping ontology between them, should be on our agenda for IND, if not for August than in a subsequent iteration of the specification as an extension.
Eliminate the classes called Economy and EconomicActivity per Pete's resolution and replace with GeopoliticalEntity for the definition of EconomicIndicator.
Continue completion of the general model, demonstrating its utility for employment/unemployment, with individuals for testing by 8/15 prior to publication to ensure efficacy.