2024-05-14 Meeting notes

2024-05-14 Meeting notes


May 14, 2024


  • @Elisa Kendall

  • @Pete Rivett

  • @John Gemski


Today we first looked at the issue that Pawel raised with respect to possibly broken URLs. Many of them are in the Markets Individuals ontology, and are provided by ISO, so those should be excluded from the test. Also, any that are “forbidden” actually exist and valid, so 403 errors should be excluded as well. There will be some remaining, fewer than 50 of them, and we can address those.

From last week:

With respect to near term issues that are small enough to resolve, we should tackle DER-143: There is a gap with respect to the currency contracts related to the notion of an exchange rateTO DO , DER-113: Need to connect properties of a swap to the legs that may "inherit" those propertiesTO DO , DER-144: ForeignExchangeRateObservable incorrectly modeledTO DO , and DER-139: Need to associate credit events with the definitions of various CDSTO DO , at a minimum over the coming weeks. DER 139 may require publishing controlled vocabularies related to credit events. John will take a look at DER-143 and DER-113 to start with, and then consider DER-139 to see what extensions are needed.

We will make another pass through the latest CFI (from 2021) spreadsheet from SIX Financial and see what gaps remain, and attempt to address those this quarter, for example, with respect to funds / CIVs).

We also note that we may need a separate ontology for real estate as an asset, and other assets, as the basis for certain kinds of loans as well as for insurance. Both ACORD and the OMG Property and Casualty standards may have enough as the basis for certain kinds of loans, and then point to other possible standards to fill in the gaps.

We discussed DER-113, and agreed that the way to address this is to document which restrictions that are on the Swap itself should also be on Swap Leg. John will take a pass through and let us know (add notes to Jira).

Note that depending on the domain area, a Share Certificate is a savings account that lets the depositor earn a higher dividend in exchange for a time-length commitment from the depositor not to make withdrawals. A penalty for early withdrawals may apply.

- Action items


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