2025-01-10 Meeting notes

2025-01-10 Meeting notes


Jan 10, 2025


  • @Elisa Kendall

  • @John Gemski

  • @Tahoe Blue


Today we looked at the minutes from last week regarding beneficial ownership - John will take a look at the references and see what he can uncover with respect to gaps.

Today we took a look at open Jira issues against SEC, of which there are only 6 at the moment. One of them, SEC-150, includes an editorial note from ages ago, which we may have addressed. John will take a look at that to see if there is anything remaining that we need to add to the ontolog(ies).

We raised SEC-200, to begin to unwind / clean-up and extend the CIV ontology so that we can better support various kinds of structured / pool backed instruments such as CDOs.

Diagrams from Jeff Braswell and Bob Mark from earlier work they’ve done related to the structure of a CDO:

Basic view of a CDO is shown in Figure 1.


CDO diagram for RiskJournal article.jpg
Figure 1. Basic structure of a CDO

Figure 2 provides an example of how these boxes might be filled for a given example.

CDO diagram for Bob Mark relationship data use case.jpg
Figure 2. Detail example for what could in in the boxes representing the structure of a CDO

Figure 3 provides an example of what the connections between financial institutions related to these sorts of complex instruments could look like, depending on the circumstances, in the run-up to the financial crisis of 2007-8.


At the end of our discussion, we agreed to work on SEC-200 first, as a precursor to some of the other work, and with respect to ACTUS, to continue working on the mapping for some of the simpler contract types and related attributes.

We also raised SEC-201 to continue the work on our ACTUS controlled vocabulary.


 Action items
