2019-05-24 Meeting notes

2019-05-24 Meeting notes




1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/IND/issues/IND-17?filter=allopenissues

5) Todays content discussion.




6) For next week.


Primary discussion was around recent work on IND-79, which moves the generic statistical measures from IND to FND, eliminates two FND Ext ontologies related to quantities, and revised the QuantitiesAndUnits and Analytics ontologies to reverse the imports (eliminating a potential circularity) and augmenting the quantities ontology with insights from SysML v1.6.  

Next steps on that model include representing a couple of examples to ensure that it works, using existing examples from SysML, and potentially Pete will automate generating others to test the efficacy of the model.   We also need to represent an example related to commodities - such as troy weight or barrels of oil, to demonstrate relevance to instruments represented in FIBO.  We also still have additional insights from the BLS model to integrate, including, but not limited to, representation of time series.  If the basic examples work, then we will integrate the current set of changes under IND-79 and raise new issues to take the next steps with respect to integration of time series and other concepts from the BLS model, since IND-79 is already a large resolution.

Also discussed writing up the current market rate use cases we have using the use case template, which we will do as time permits over the next couple of weeks.

Specific Chatlog comments: 

Dan Gillman (to Everyone): 8:51 AM: Isn't speed a rate? It has units.

Pete Rivett (to Everyone): 8:51 AM: RatioValue should have a restriction that hasMeasurementUnit has zero value

Anthony Coates (to Everyone): 9:30 AM: abcoates@contakt.org - for use while Tony is transitioning from DB to JPMC over the next several weeks.


Action items
