UC1-CQ0 Substance Identification

UC1-CQ0 Substance Identification

The query below retrieves substances which have the input <SubstanceInputReference> as a name or identifier (case insensitive) using the generic property patterns.

In the example uses "Amlodipine" as a substance reference, but other references such as the following will also match the correct substance:

  • "HGP-0904"
  • "88150-42-9" (a CAS number)
  • “SUB05467MIG” (EV code)

Note: identification based on name and identifier attributes may not be unique in datasets. In some cases, it is sufficient to add the context of the name or identifier but in some cases the referencing identifiers are not unique even within one reference set. E.g., in GSRS the ATC codes are listed under identifiers but the code "C09XA53" is classifying Amlodipine and also Aliskiren.

Model Pattern for Identifiers

Test data

Amlodipine Example: https://github.com/edmcouncil/idmp/blob/master/EXT/Examples/AmlodipineExample.rdf



Expected Query Result for Example Data

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