2018-07-03 Meeting notes
1) Use Case reminder
2) Where we are on our road map.
3) Open Action Items
4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/SEC/issues/SEC-7?filter=allopenissues
5) Todays content discussion.
6) For next week.
Today the SEC/FBC FCT met and worked through open JIRA issues in both areas. We identified a number of small issues that can be addressed quickly, and other areas where more work is needed, such as for equities, which is a fairly high priority.
The chatlog including notes taken during this review session are included below for the sake of completeness.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 8:33 AM: Open Jira issues review...both FBC and SEC
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 8:35 AM: There are a number of open issues that have been put into place recently. Most are relatively small, but need work.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 8:37 AM: FBC 182 is a duplicate.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 8:47 AM: Discussion of Address and whether it should live in FND rather than FBC.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 8:55 AM: suggestion: move the items and make a pull request. Move to right part of FND.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:02 AM: FBC83: likely need EU input. Cork folks...?
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:04 AM: FBC88: gets us into Law more than we want. Should kill this.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:09 AM: FBC71: done. Jira updated accordingly
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:14 AM: FBC101: already fixed. closing.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:16 AM: 26 open issues remain in FBC.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:20 AM: Jurisdiction needs a sibling for AreaOfCoverage (or something like that) that will need to be carefully defined so as to apply only to legally defined things that play in our space--FBC?
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:22 AM: BondsCommon needs additional cleanup for duplicates and coherence.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:24 AM: Number of SEC issues that persist--many just a function of the need for a careful clean up.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:29 AM: SEC 33: noted the location of the typo. Quick fix.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:31 AM: SEC8: RB to come up with definitions: Fixed income security and variable income security.
Richard Beatch (to Everyone): 9:32 AM: SEC open issues: 14