2019-06-03 Meeting notes

2019-06-03 Meeting notes




1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/SEC/issues/SEC-7?filter=allopenissues

5) Todays content discussion.




6) For next week.


Much of the discussion today was focused on continued work on the use cases.  Tony had done some work to add usage scenarios, and we spent much of the discussion focused on the three scenarios, and targetting the simplest of those as the start for a subordinate use case for development of competency questions.  The updated use case with notes included is available here - 

Additional notes from the call are as follows:

8:36 AM: EK ran Pellet for the first time in ages...there are issues as Pellet hangs.

8:37 AM: EK hunting down the issues, but as Pellet hangs, there is little indication as to the nature of the problems.

8:41 AM: Back to use case--EK and Tony Coates have been hard at work.

8:41 AM: New usage scenarios added.

8:55 AM: Reviewing and revising on the fly--see attached updated use case documentation for details.

Jeff Braswell (to Everyone): 9:15 AM: There are different 'zones' of static "instrument" data:

1. Contractual terms of the instrument

2. Reference data regarding issuers or sponsors ('sell side')

3. Information about the assets/liabilities on which the instrument is based

4. Historical time series market data

9:38 AM: Should pick simplest scenario as a first step.

9:43 AM: start with #2


Action items


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