2019-08-05 Meeting notes
2019-08-05 Meeting notes
1) Use Case reminder
2) Where we are on our road map.
3) Open Action Items
4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/SEC/issues/SEC-7?filter=allopenissues
5) Todays content discussion.
6) For next week.
Main topic today: Equity Individuals -- incorporating feedback from John Gemski.
New Jira issue: Depository Receipts definition clarification. Adapted from Investopedia. SEC-94
Need a concept for a grouping of markets into something like a composite (al la FIGI)
Agreement that Notional Market can cover OTC.
But that would require Notional Market to live "above" Exchange as it is, in many cases, a collection of individual markets.
again, like the FIGI notion of Composite.
Discussion of OTC traded instruments that are NOT derivatives. Multiple tiers of exhanges to cover this. Not clear what/how much of this needs to be modeled.
These seem to fit the idea of Notional Exchanage...so, we cannot use Notional to correspond to something like the composite FIGI item. A new item is required for that--that lives outside of the Market hierarchy
SEC-95 captures the core of these issues.
SEC-95: Missing restriction/property around delisting date
Make that SEC-96
Updates to SEC-95 to capture subtleties of issuing exchange, home exchange, etc.
New item for Tick Size (we think it is there, but not sure). creating item to review definition so as to flag it--part of SEC-95
last few references to SEC-95 should have been 96
SEC-97 created to cover regulatory items pointed out by John.
Action items
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