2019-11-18 Meeting notes
1) Use Case reminder
2) Where we are on our road map.
3) Open Action Items
4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/SEC/issues/SEC-7?filter=allopenissues
5) Todays content discussion.
6) For next week.
This week we reviewed work in flight for various issues as well as on credit events that are required for IND. This included a review of Pete's email from 10/24, which had a number of good thoughts in it, especially if we broaden the definition of credit event beyond what we need to have for CDS. The current credit events ontology is in FBC-208 in github. As a part of that review, we asked Peter Winstanley to investigate UK definitions for us to ensure that we have a more general understanding. He provided the following links: https://www.gov.uk/browse/tax/court-claims-debt-bankruptcy and https://www.aib.gov.uk/, which is the insolvency service in Scotland. Elisa sent the current FBC-208 ontology around for people to review in light of today's discussion. Related to that, we discussed the notion of a credit index, and the need to define at least those credit events that are required to define credit indices - see https://ihsmarkit.com/products/markit-cdx.html for examples.
We then discussed the current open issues in securities for our current sprint, and in reviewing the terms related to securities listings noted that we don't have adequate definitions for OTC securities at present. OTC is defined in the context of derivatives, but is needed for certain equities and bonds as well. See https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/otc.asp for a relatively comprehensive explanation of OTC per John G, and thanks to John T for a link to the Nasdaq guide, including a summary of the various registration levels, at https://listingcenter.nasdaq.com/assets/initialguide.pdf. We raised an issue, FBC-232, to include OTC in FBC.
Reminder: no telecon next week for SEC due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US (and Elisa will be traveling that day).