2019-10-14 Meeting notes

2019-10-14 Meeting notes




1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/SEC/issues/SEC-7?filter=allopenissues

5) Todays content discussion.




6) For next week.


We continued to review the SEC-02 use case this morning.  In reviewing the use case, we determined that in order to fully develop the scenario for setting up instrument data for equities and bonds, we need to demonstrate how to represent the combination of the reference data (market data) for pricing as well as information about the issuers, including a number of different identifiers for the issuer.  We have a few example individuals already in FIBO/FBC for publicly traded banks (holding companies)that we can use as a starting point.

We revised the use case to move our competency questions to the right place, and then reviewed the results of the work in Protege.  There was some confusion remaining in the Securities Listings ontology over the differences between registered and listed securities which we adjusted according to the results we were seeing for common share vs. exchange-specific share.  We are still somewhat confused about the relationship between these two things - the common share and the exchange-specific share, and so John will do some research for us for next week.


Action items


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