2018-07-30 Meeting notes

2018-07-30 Meeting notes




1) Use Case reminder

2) Where we are on our road map. 

3) Open Action Items

4) JIRA Issues Review - https://jira.edmcouncil.org/projects/SEC/issues/SEC-7?filter=allopenissues

5) Todays content discussion.




6) For next week.


20170730 FIBO SEC FCT


SEC today.


Three more ontologies cleaned up: useful stuff moved to where it belongs, otherwise, killed.


EquityInstruments: added LimitedPartnershipUnit and relevant restriction.LimitedPartnershipEquity ontology was therefore killed as a stand-alone.


ShareTerms: stuff about dividends happens in Boards, not Terms, so killed. 


Added class: Dividend.hasDistributionMethod was associated with new parent to clean up complexity.


QualifiedDividend yet to added...looking for definition. Will be sibling of ordinaryDividend. 


SubordinatedVotingRight RB to investigate.Result: logically consistency in all of equity except DepositaryReceipts!


Depositary... next up.


ACTION:Dennis to add agenda item to FLT today to lay out deadlines for inclusion of ontologies in FIBO 2.0/September OMG spec.


DepositaryReceipts should be good to go for the deadline, as will a few of the "easy" open issues.Assuming XMI files are required, we should stop with definition clean ups and minor tweaks where we are now.


CurrentOrdinaryDividend...being cleaned up.


ACTION:RB to look at ShareTerms to sort out dividends.


Concept of ShareRegistry? 


ACTION:Max to send definition of ShareRegistry


ExchangeSpecificSecuritiesRegistry...may be it, but definition is too narrow.


May need a parent class for SecuritiesRegistry, or SecuritiesRegister...?


Action items